Friday, June 25, 2010


Life has 'IF'

Life. A small word with a big meaning. Very subjective to be described. There is something interesting yet simple to be noticed beyond this word. The word, L.I.F.E itself significantly has an ‘IF’ at its center. It represents the existence of a concept of uncertainty which is designated by ‘IF’. It has been a common language used by many people.

Our knowledge is restricted. Only Him, Who Knows every single little thing. We do not know who will we become, how our lives are going to be look like, and what will we do in the future. But the uncertainty that makes this world full of colours. We are the artists who draw and paint the white plain paper of life. To make it dull, to make it monochrome, to make it colourful, it is in the hands of the artists. We can make choices.

“If I’ve done it, I would not be suffering like this”
“If I didn’t do that, it doesn’t have to turn out like this”
Very easily the word flows out from our mouth without realizing that things that have already passed, had been planned for us. Planned by The Biggest Masterplan. ‘IF’ resembles regret. Being regret may seems as a negative thing, but it can also be a positive one. Depending on the reason ‘why?’.
“Why do I have to regret?”
To take a lesson from what have passed, to make a change to be better, to open the door of ‘taubah’ and open the route of ‘maghfirah’, then it turns out that regret has become something good and useful for us in this world and the day after.
There is still an opportunity for us to choose.

Don’t you ever wish you were someone else
You were meant to be the way you’re exactly
Don’t you ever say you don’t like the way you are
When you learn to love yourself you’re better off by far

“If only I’m pretty…”
“If only I’m a genius…”
“If only I belong to a rich clan, I don’t have to work hard just to feed”
It seems like the world has turned black that you could see nothing except darkness. Don’t be greedy, be thankful to The Great Creator. He Knows what is better for us than ourselves, whom are full of confusions. Let us link the ‘IF’ with an action.
“If only I can drive, I could have fetched my mom from boutique”, and so you take driving lesson to fulfill your wish.
“If only I’m a doctor, I can treat the poor without any payment”, then you study hard to accomplish your ambition.
That’s the bright site of ‘IF’.

Last night dreams are today realities

It’s good isn’t it if dreams become reality. But it is not easy to get it like it is easy to think of it, and yes, everyone knows that. Even the robbers have to plan and work hard to rob the banks and run away without being captured by the cops. There’s nothing like ‘gold falling from the sky’ while you are landing lazily on a garden. Stop ‘building a castle on the daylight’!!

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